• I am changing every negative thought into a positive and rethinking my old behaviors.  I feel good about me for the first time in a … Continued

    Laurie, Queens New York

  • I am very pleased with the mental, physical, and emotional progress I have made thus far. It has exceeded my expectations.  Two weeks into the … Continued

    Susan, Queens New York

  • My overall progress has in fact been good.  Although, I have a habit of cheating-no longer referring to it as sabotaging myself, I am still … Continued

    Maria, Queens New York

  • Gina creates a soothing atmosphere which lulls one into thinking she is not kicking their butt in her workouts.  Do not be fooled.  Gina’s classes … Continued

    Heather, Queens New York

  • This studio is a neighborhood gem.  Convenient location to trains and walking distance from my home.  Classes are limited in size, which is perfect because … Continued

    Stephanie, Queens New York

What should I wear to pilates?

Whatever active wear you’re comfortable in is fine, as long as you can move freely and I can see your bodies movement.  Grip socks are required.  You should always have water and a towel available when you exercise.

Is there a place to change at the studio?

Yes, at our Central Point location there is restroom available for changing and a space to store your belongings.  If you are attending group classes at our Superior Athletic location in Medford, you will have full access to all gym amenities, including sauna, hot tub and showers.

I heard that Pilates is safe for back, neck, and knee injury, is this true?

Yes, Pilates is a very safe and effective form of exercise for issues concerning the spine and degenerative joint disease.  We strengthen the muscles surrounding damaged areas, relieving chronic pain, improving instability, maintaining mobility, and quality of life.

Do I have to be young and fit to learn pilates?

No, Pilates is for everyone.  All ages, genders, body issues, body types and fitness levels are encouraged to practice Pilates.  Pilates is an overall body wellness program.

Will Pilates help me lose weight?

Although Pilates is not considered cardio activity or calorie burning, studies conclude that when mat exercises are performed at intermediate to advanced levels, it can provide a moderate cardio stimulus similar to that provided by lower impact activities such as walking. Pilates assists in losing weight more on an emotional level. As you become more aware of your body, you begin to become more aware of what you put into it, resulting in better focus of your diet. As you begin to build lean muscle your metabolism will increase, burning more fat efficiently in your body.

Can I participate in a Pilates program if I’m pregnant?

Research suggests that women with uncomplicated pregnancies should continue exercise at mild to moderate intensity levels to help offset some of the discomforts of pregnancy and to prepare for the birth ahead. Pilates no-impact regimen places special emphasis on restoring the spines natural curves and on improving stability and mobility in the lumbopelvic and shoulder girdles, all important factors during pregnancy and beyond.

Can I participate in a Pilates program after I give birth?

Yes, during pregnancy the abdominal muscles will stretch over 50% of their original length and Pilates can help restore the proper length, strength, and tone of these muscles. It is highly recommended to start or get back to a “postpartum” Pilates program as soon as you have clearance from your doctor.

All of the advertisements I see for pilates, appear to be for women. Can men participate in a pilates program?

Absolutely! Joe Pilates a gymnast and boxer himself began developing his method of “Contrology” in a British internment camp during World War I by rigging a hospital bed so that ALL patients could still exercise while lying flat on their backs.