I was suffering with a foot problem that kept me from working out for over a year and in that year I put on 20 lbs.. Before that I had worked out on and off my whole life but nothing ever seemed to really work and nothing seemed to keep me interested for very long until I met Gina. I have been doing pilates with Gina for a little over two years. In that time I have had amazing results. I have not only lost weight but I have completely reshaped my body and that foot problem seemed to miraculously get better. Gina is an amazing trainer who truly cares for her clients, that is something very special. I worked out with a few other trainers and it never took me long to figure out that they didn’t care that much about my goals or my body. I always felt completely overworked or as if I were doing this generic work out that they did with every client which was not only boring but I had little or no weight loss. Working one on one with Gina you will see how she truly takes your goals and your body into account when she plans your workouts. I am a hairstylist and colorist and I stand on my feet all day and this puts a lot of stress on certain parts of my body. As a result of pilates and Gina I am aware of my posture and how to keep my body strong and safe from injury. Overall this has been the best exercise experience and Pilates is something I WON’T live without.

— Laurie, Queens New York —

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