Gina creates a soothing atmosphere which lulls one into thinking she is not kicking their butt in her workouts.  Do not be fooled.  Gina’s classes are small and her sessions are intense.  Classes are offered for different skill levels, and within those classes Gina does a great job of correcting form and creating modifications where needed so classes seem very individualized.  I love, love, love her classes!

— Heather, Queens New York —

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    Laurie, Queens New York

  • I am very pleased with the mental, physical, and emotional progress I have made thus far. It has exceeded my expectations.  Two weeks into the … Continued

    Susan, Queens New York

  • My overall progress has in fact been good.  Although, I have a habit of cheating-no longer referring to it as sabotaging myself, I am still … Continued

    Maria, Queens New York

  • This studio is a neighborhood gem.  Convenient location to trains and walking distance from my home.  Classes are limited in size, which is perfect because … Continued

    Stephanie, Queens New York

  • I Highly recommend that you try Pilates with Gina…

    Tanja, Queens New York